
Design + Innovation

Innovation at Magellan

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  • Fostering Creativity, Empowering Minds, and Inspiring Change

At Magellan, we believe in the transformative power of design, creativity, and hands-on learning. Grounded in the ideals agency, empowerment, and belonging, our unique approach to innovation encourages students to become creators, critical thinkers, and agents of purposeful change. Our program is designed to ignite a lifelong love for learning, foster a Maker Mindset, and equip students with the attributes and skills needed to thrive in an interconnected world.

Design + Innovation Facts

List of 3 items.

  • Problem Solving

    Integrated into the IB curriculum so students use problem solving approaches in the classroom.
  • Hands-On Learning

    Enhanced by hands-on learning in the i.lab for design + making
  • Dedicated Staff

    Supported by dedicated Innovation & Design staff across the grades.

List of 2 items.

  • Sophia Pellegrini

    Primary Innovation & Design Teacher
    Read More
  • Carlos Bernal

Classroom Applications

List of 8 items.

  • Learning & Applying Agile / Scrum

    3rd graders incorporated elements of scrum methodology to manage a complex project where teams used design thinking to promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Coding with Science

    In this physical computing project, 3rd grade students combined coding and electronics with physical objects to create interactive, touch responsive posters.
  • Hi-Tech Making

    PYP students worked with computational tinkering as they playfully experimented with computer science, electronics, and engineering with micro:bits. This activity was featured in micro:mag Issue seven in an article by Patrick Benfield.
  • Simple Machines

    PYP students learn about engineering through the study and creation of simple machines, including features such as wheels, pulleys, lever and incline.
  • Math + Design

    MYP students applied their design thinking skills in math class to design, prototype, and fabricate working storage solutions for staff.
  • Angles & Elevation

    MYP students made their own math tools by laser cutting their own clinometers which helped them measure angles of elevation.
  • Mythology & Lasers

    PYP students created original works of art with the Glowforge laser cutter for a mythology project in English class.
  • Digital Fabrication for Model UN

    As part of the Model UN club, students created multicultural works of art with a variety of digital fabrication technologies, including this computer automated, numerically controlled (CNC) machine.