
Admissions Process

Magellan Admissions Overview

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  • Admissions Process

The Magellan admissions team pairs each child with a appropriate checklist to their age and grade. This ensures a tailored and thorough evaluation process as different grades develop at different rates and have unique strengths and room for growth. This personalized approach aims to create a positive admissions environment for students and parents. 

Magellan works on a rolling admissions cycle. Meaning we are currently accepting applications for the 24-25 school year and applications for the 25-26 school year opens in October. 

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  • PP3, PP4 and Kindergarten

    1. Complete Application
    2. Teacher Questionnaire 
    3. Parent Questionnaire 
    4. ** Zoom Family Meeting - Zoom meeting must have at least one parent/guardian and student present on call. 
    5. Conversation Skills Video - PP3, PP4 and Kinder will have different video requirements. Click here to review required videos by grade level. 

    ** An application must be submitted prior to scheduled Zoom.
    *** Occasionally, we’ll invite students to join us for a half-day visit. This allows us to connect with them in person and ensure that the transition will be smooth based on items we’ve reviewed on their checklist.

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  • 1st - 5th Grade

    1. Complete Application 
    2. Teacher Recommendation 
    3. School Records - A downloadable copy of our record release form can be found on you application checklist. Records must come from sending school, Magellan will not accept records from parents. 
    4. Standardized Test Scores - Acceptable test include ISEE, MAP or STAAR
    5. ** Student Visit and Assessment - Student(s) will visit from 9 am to 12:30pm and see what a day in the life of a Navigator is like. Then will meet with our PYP coordinator and have skills like reading, math and writing assessed. 

    ** An application must be submitted prior to scheduled Visit.

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  • 6th - 8th Grade

    1. Complete Application
    2. Teacher Recommendation
    3. School Records -A downloadable copy of our record release form can be found on you application checklist. Records must come from sending school, Magellan will not accept records from parents. 
    4. Standardized Test Scores - Acceptable test include MAP, ISEE or SSAT. 
    5. Student Visit and Interview - Student(s) will visit from 9 am to 12:30pm and see what a day in the life of a Navigator is like. Then will meet with our head of secondary school for a short interview. 



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  • 9th and 10th Grade

    1. Complete Application 
    2. School Records - A downloadable copy of our record release form can be found on you application checklist. Records must come from sending school, Magellan will not accept records from parents. 
    3. Teacher Recommendation - Math or Science 
    4. Teacher Recommendation - History or English 
    5. Test Scores - Required test include one of the following: ISEE, SSAT, ACT or PSAT. 
    6. Student Visit and Interview - Student(s) will visit from 9 am to 12:30pm and see what a day in the life of a Navigator is like. Then will meet with our head of secondary school for a short interview.