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Too Much Togetherness

“Mom!” I yelled. That was the word that I said the most. It’s not my fault, though. My stupid older brother is always pestering me! He thinks he’s so big and mighty because he gets straight A’s, plays the drums, gets medals in all the science fairs, is organized, never is late…
Oh, you get the point! Anyway, since he is older than me, he’s mom’s favorite, I have to deal with him teasing me on an hourly basis. “ Give me back my controller!” I shout. “ Okay, you can have it. Just grab it from my hand.” He smirks as he raises his hand up high with my controller in his hand. I glare at him. Mom walks in. “ Connor, give back Jacob his controller.” Connor sighs. “ I was just joking.” Mom smiles and walks back out of the room. As soon as she is out of sight, Connor slams the controller in my hands. “ Thank-” I managed to say before he pushed me down to the floor. Typical. 

Ignoring my annoying brother, my life isn’t half bad. My mom raises both me and Connor alone. It’s been that way since my mom and dad divorced. I’m just thankful that I have my own room. Our mom works as a chef at a fancy restaurant downtown. She just got a promotion and she gets paid very well, but I don’t go to a private school. I need to finish middle school first, is what my mom said. She says that we can only choose one private to go to between elementary, middle, and high school. Connor is going to a private high school, and that’s what I’m going to do too. Even though he has so many medals from science fairs, debate teams, and other school related things, I have awards from video game tournaments and game matches. I love to play video games! But Connor always teases me about it. I do try my hardest in school though!

As I get back up from the floor, I check my watch. It’s 6:00. Dinner will be ready soon. I’m not ready for the weekend to end! Yet it is Sunday and I have to pack my notebooks, so I sadly trudge myself up to my room to my unorganized desk. By the time I finish stuffing all my notebooks into my bag, I hear my mom from the kitchen. “ DINNER TIME!” She yells. I meet her down at the kitchen table. “ I made lasagna!” Mom says proudly. I close my eyes and take a whiff of the smell coming from the oven. Mom’s lasagna is the best! Connor comes down. “ Hey mom, can I call my boyfriend after dinner?” Connor asks. She sits down. “ I need to ask you both a question.” mom says as she sets down mine and Connor’s plates. 

“ Whaff uff, mom?” I ask with my mouth full of lasagna. I swallow hard. “ What’s up, mom?” “ Could I invite my er… friend?” she asks. Connor nods and I say sure. She smiles and we all talk until our plates are clean. “ Connor, you’re on dish duty tonight.” Mom says. I sneak an obnoxious look at Connor. He glares back at me. “ But you said I could talk to my boyfriend after dinner!” Connor explains. “ After the dishes.” Mom shouts back from the living room. Connor trudges toward the sink and turns on the running water. Ha! Karma for stealing my controller earlier! Now I can go play mario par- “ Take a shower, Jacob! I can smell you from here!” Connor shouts from the  kitchen. “ Connor’s right, sweetie. You had soccer practice today.” Great. I grumble and go take my shower. After I finish, I squeeze in about fifteen minutes of Roblox before I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I shut off the computer just as someone knocks on my door. “ Come in!” Connor steps in. “ Oh, it’s you. What do you want?” I say, sternly. “ I need you to cover for me. My boyfriend is having a big party and Mom won’t let me go tonight.” he says. I scoff. “ Big deal. I’m not helping you.” I can see his teeth grinding in the corner of his mouth. He punches me hard in the stomach. 

I hit the floor. “ What was that for?” I shout. “ You’re gonna cover for me or else.” He demands. “ No!” I shout back sharply. “ Now get out!” He huffs and storms out, slamming the door behind him. Good riddance. I hear my mom coming up the stairs. She kisses me good night and I turn off the light. Different thoughts swirl through my head as I close my eyes. Tomorrow is gonna be… Tomorrow.