
School Calendar

  • Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 29
  2. 30
  3. 31
  4. 1

    Winter Break

    No School 

    Financial Aid Application Opens

    The financial aid application open January 1 and will be due no later than March 3rd. 
  5. 2

    Winter Break

    No School 
  6. 3

    Winter Break

    No School 
  7. 4

    Winter Break

    No School 
  1. 5

    Winter Break

    No School 
  2. 6

    Winter Break

    No School 

    Professional Development Day

    No camp available on this day. 

    Alumni Holiday Party

    All Magellan Alumni are welcome on our Chimney Corner campus for hot chocolate, cookies and holiday cheer. 

    Help us say goodbye to the preschool before relocate. 
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 9
  6. 10

    PP3 and PP4 MISPA Meet Up

    Phil's Icehouse 5620 Burnet Road, 78756
    Phil's Icehouse             
    5620 Burnet Road, 78756,
    Contact: MISPA

    Kinder MISPA Meet Up

    Hat Creek 5902 Bee Cave rd, 78746
    Hat Creek 5902 Bee Cave rd, 78746
    Contact: MISPA

    1st Grade MISPA Meet Up

    Waterloo Ice House (360 location)
    Waterloo Ice House (360 location)
    Contact: MISPA

    3rd Grade MISPA Meet Up

    Camp Out, 6700 Burnet Road
     Camp Out,     
    6700 Burnet Road 
    Contact: MISPA

    4th and 5th Grade MISPA Meet Up

    Amy's Ice Cream (Arboretum)
     Amy's Ice Cream (Arboretum)
  7. 11
  1. 12
  2. 13

    Magellan ReEnrollment Opens

    Contracts for re enrollment go live in your MyMagellan Account 
  3. 14
  4. 15

    Information Session

    Building C - Multipurpose - C201
    Contact: Riley Smith
  5. 16

    Information Session

    Building C - Multipurpose - C201
    Contact: Riley Smith
  6. 17

    Information Session

    Building C - Multipurpose - C201
    Contact: Riley Smith
  7. 18
  1. 19
  2. 21

    MIS Talks: Managing Stress & Anxiety in Pre-Teens and Teens

    With Dr. Kristin Kroll
  3. 22
  4. 23
  5. 24

    2nd Grade MISPA Meet Up

    Waterloo Ice House (360 location)
    Waterloo Ice House (360 location)
    Contact: MISPA
  6. 25
  1. 26
  2. 27
  3. 28
  4. 30
  5. 31

    Free Dress Day

    Please refer to your student handbook if you have any questions about the "free dress" dress code.
  6. 1